Katie Hammond
Art Educator
Mock KPTP Drawing Lesson
Teacher: Katie Hammond
Grade/Class: 9th through 12th grade, Drawing I
Lesson Title: Creating the Unknown (KPTP Lesson 7 for VAE)
Topic: Exploration of the Unknown
National Standard:
Grade Hs accomplished
Utilize inquiry methods of observation, research, and experimentation to explore unfamiliar subjects through art-making.
Lesson Objectives:
Students will create a drawing that demonstrates how art can be used as a tool to romanticize and fantasize modern exploration.
Students will use their drawing to depict how art is a way to create an unreal world to explore.
Blooms taxonomy: Applying
Connection to Student Background Knowledge: In pervious lessons the students have discussed and researched the idea of modern exploration. They have also looked at how exploration leads us to fanaticize about the unknown. Also how
modern exploration has an affect on our art and visual culture. In this lesson they are combining pervious research and sketches to create a new artwork where they personally explore these concepts.
Assessment: I am evaluating my students by their creativity, drawing effort, and their exaction and planning on the assignment. Rubric is below.
Model of Instruction: Stewart & Walker “Transformation Education Through the Arts Challenge”
Differentiated Instructions: For the “think, pair, share,” reading exercise I will have student A and B partners. While the class is talking I will sit down with the two students to help in anyway. If both are having trouble reading the slide I will state it verbally. During the art making activity I will make sure to pay attention to student A and redirect him to stay on task if needed.
Reading Strategies: I will be using the reading strategy “think, pair, share.” The students will read a few sentences I have placed on the PowerPoint Lesson 7. Once the student has read the slide they will think about it, and then share with a partner their thoughts.
Technology Use: The class will be observing a PowerPoint that will be projected in the classroom.
Community Resources: Prior to lesson I will set up a visit to the Spencer Museum of art. They have a big print collection and will bring prints out by request. I would request prints of sciences fiction for the students to observe and draw. We could also use their library downstairs to do our research.
Media Category/Materials: Pencil, colored chalk or pencil, paper
Integration within and across Content Fields: This lesson draws upon American history. Modern space art was influenced by the cold war and space race and is in student research and my PowerPoint.
Lesson Overview: The big idea for this unit is Exploration of The Unknown. Students have examined how art can be used to document exploration or how art can be used to explore land. Also in previous lessons students have considered and discussed modern exploration. In this lesson students will consider the questions “How does modern exploration affect our art and visual culture?” and “How can I use art to investigate modern fantasies of exploration?” The key concept of this lesson is that art can be a tool to romanticize and fantasize modern exploration. Art is a way to create an unreal world to explore.
Students will apply their research from previous lessons to a new drawing. The class will have a discussion and review while I present the PowerPoint Lesson 7. When they are done reviewing I will explain the project. The students will create their own fictional illustration about space exploration. However the illustration should be based on at least on real fact about space exploration they found in their pervious research.
1. Once students are seated I will project the PowerPoint Lesson 7. I will inform students that we are going to review what we have learned the last few lessons. I will first pose the question “What is the definition of exploration?” Then I will ask, “In what ways to we explore today?” After a few students have answered I will ask, “How does modern exploration affect our art and visual culture?” (5 minutes)
2. In the next slide I will list the key concepts for the lesson. Art can be a tool to romanticize and fantasize modern exploration. Art is a way to create an unreal world to explore. I will have the students take a few minutes to use the “think, pair, share” reading strategy. While the students are talking I will check in with student A and B to see if they need my help. After a discussion with their partners I will ask each group to mention what they discussed. (10 minutes)
3. After we talk as a group I will instruct the class about their art making activity. They are to create a fictional illustration based on their research from the previous lessons. The drawing should be based on one real fact about space exploration. The students should also incorporate their sketches from their research about space exploration and science fiction. (5 minutes)
4. I will inform students that they should make 3 sketches of their new drawing. When they have 3 I will have a quick one on one meeting about which to choose for their final drawing. (5 minutes)
5. The materials will be set out on the counter for students to grab after they talk to me. While the students work I will walk around and help with any issues. (20 minutes)
6. I will tell the students when there is only 5 minutes left in class and that it is time to clean up and put materials away.