Katie Hammond
Art Educator
Artist Statment
While getting my undergrad, I am taking various foundation classes. As I worked my way through different materials I felt that my art was influenced completely by the assignments. When taking my independent painting study however, I took a step back from my work and saw that this was not true. With different media and assignments, I explored my own identity as a female artist and its connection to society. For example I printed dollies in my printmaking course that I later used in my self-portrait paintings. Though I feel I am not an extremely feminine person, it is a theme in my artwork.
Art is a process that is connected and leads us to deeper understandings. I believe that every student should have the opportunity to work through his or her own identity and issues, while making my art an issue surfaced that I did not know existed. By being able to create we can explore and think critically about ourselves and the society around us.